Happy Healthy Pets™
5 Tips for Flying with Pets
Tips and Tricks
Because pet owners consider their pets as part of their family, many of them include their furry friend in their vacation plans. Traveling with your pet can be an amazing experience, but you must plan carefully to pull off a successful trip. Pre-travel preparation will include a trip to your veterinarian for a health certificate, which is required for flying. Air travel with a pet can be especially challenging, but if you follow our flight preparation tips, you and your pet can take off without a hitch.
A Safety Guide for Kids and Dogs
Pet Lifestyle
Nothing can be sweeter than seeing the bond between kids and dogs. Growing up with a dog is an amazing experience for your child, but you must teach both how to interact safely. Follow our tips to learn how to foster that special child-dog bond, and ensure they stay safe.
Emergency Versus Urgent Care: How to Know Where to Take Your Pet
The Exam Room
When your pet is sick or injured, you want them to receive the best possible care, but you may be confused when determining which veterinary facility type will provide them with the most appropriate care. Should you schedule an appointment with your family veterinarian, take your pet to a veterinary urgent care facility, or rush them to an emergency hospital?
The Power of Pets: 10 Ways Pets Make Life Better
Tips and Tricks
Pet parents know the meaning of unconditional love. Pets are extraordinary creatures and add so much joy, humor, and—of course—love to your life. Your fabulous furry friends make your life better by their mere presence, and, better still, owning a pet positively impacts your physical and social well-being every day. Learn 10 ways pet ownership increases your quality of life.
When and How to Find a Great Dog Trainer
Pet Lifestyle
Dogs are a wonderful addition to our lives, and provide unconditional love, loyalty, and plenty of laughs. But dog ownership comes with many responsibilities, especially their training. Proper training and socialization are part of a dog’s basic needs, and unless you are fortunate to have a naturally well-behaved pup, teaching them manners and basic commands takes some serious time and commitment.
The Itchy Pet Pt. 1: Fall Allergies
The Exam Room
Because pet owners consider their pets as part of their family, many of them include their furry friends in their vacation plans. Traveling with your pet can be an amazing experience, but you must plan carefully to pull off a successful trip. Pre-travel preparation will include a trip to your veterinarian for a health certificate, which is required for flying. Air travel with a pet can be especially challenging, but if you follow our flight preparation tips, you and your pet can take off without a hitch.
5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips
Tips and Tricks
Halloween is full of frights, but scarier still is an emergency trip to the veterinary hospital. On the spookiest night of the year, pet owners should take extra precautions to keep their furry friends safe. Enjoy the festive fun by following these Halloween pet safety tips.
4 Simple Tips for Labor Day Pet Safety
Tips and Tricks
Labor Day is the perfect time to relax, put work aside, and enjoy the last summer holiday while celebrating with family and friends. Barbeques are a popular and festive Labor Day tradition for many families, but along with the fun, pets face potential hazards. Avoid a holiday pet emergency while grilling up the good times this Labor Day by following four simple pet safety tips.
The Importance of Pet Immunizations
The Exam Room
Vaccinations (i.e., immunizations, or shots) have saved numerous pets’ and humans’ lives, since some animal diseases can be transmitted to people. Before effective vaccines were available, pets often died from conditions such as distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, upper respiratory tract infection complications, and the especially deadly rabies virus. Pet vaccinations include core vaccines—required for all pets—and non-core vaccines, which are optional, and administered based on your pet’s lifestyle and where you live.
7 Tips For a Stress-Free Veterinary Visit
Tips and Tricks
Many pet owners dread taking their pet to the veterinarian. The veterinary clinic’s unfamiliar sounds, sights, and smells can make your pet feel stressed and fearful, causing a health care visit to become an overwhelming endeavor for you both. Determining how to keep your pet calm during a veterinary visit can be a challenge, but by planning ahead and following these tips, you help make the experience as stress-free as possible.
How to Avoid a Holiday Pet Emergency
Tips and Tricks
Keep your cats and dogs safe during the holidays by avoiding hazards and being prepared for a potential emergency. Follow these safety tips, and enjoy a stress-free, safe, and pet-friendly holiday season.
10 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe During the Holiday Season
Tips and Tricks
The holidays are almost here, and you should begin planning now, especially if you are a pet owner. Avoid a doggone disaster or a complete catastrophe, and learn how to keep your furry friends safe and happy during the hectic holiday season by following these simple tips.
5 Ways to Save Money on Pet Care
Tips and Tricks
By taking good care of your pet, you can ensure they receive the care they need without breaking the bank. Your pet will live a longer, healthier, and happier life, and you will avoid many expensive veterinary costs.
The Best Ways to Keep Your Pet Healthy
Pet Lifestyle
Your pet relies on you to maintain their health, and many options are available to ensure they live a long, happy, and healthy life. Follow these tips to keep your pet’s health optimal, so you can enjoy many years of love and companionship together.
How to Pet-Proof Your Home
Tips and Tricks
Pets are naturally curious and like to explore their environment—usually with their mouths—which can get them in trouble. As a pet owner, you are responsible for ensuring your furry family member’s safety at home
Preparing for Your Kitten’s Developmental Milestones
The Exam Room
Kittens are the definition of cuteness, and their tiny eyes, wispy fur, and endearing antics are hard to resist. However, caring for a kitten, especially during their first year of life, takes patience, commitment, and an understanding of feline development.
How to Prevent Pet Toxicity
Tips and Tricks
Surprisingly, some pet toxins are not obvious, and many may be lurking in your home. Many everyday household plants, foods, and ingredients can have devastating—and deadly—consequences for your pet. Learn about common pet toxins, and how to keep your beloved companion safe.
Why Dental Care Helps Your Pet Live A Longer, Happier Life
The Exam Room
Your pet’s dental health is more than about fresh breath, because regular dental care can prevent unnecessary pain and periodontal disease, which could lead to a shortened lifespan. Learn how dental care helps your pet live a longer, happier life, and how to ensure they receive the dental care they need.
Cancer in Pets
The Exam Room
Cancer is unfortunately a common diagnosis for pets. However, veterinary advances in early detection, diagnosis, and treatment mean your pet’s cancer has a much higher likelihood of being treated successfully when diagnosed in the earliest stages.
6 Fire Safety Tips for Pet Owners
Tips and Tricks
If your home caught fire, would your pet obediently follow you through the door to safety? More likely, your pet would retreat to a familiar safe place in your home during a scary situation.
Essential Pet Safety for Essential Oils
The Exam Room
To say that essential oils are popular is an understatement. These compounded plant extracts are common aromatherapy and alternative medicine staples. Despite essential oils’ popularity, no evidence-backed research currently shows that their use cures any illnesses.
6 Winter Pet Safety Tips
Tips and Tricks
Harsh winter weather poses hazards to people, but can be more difficult on our pets, who rely on us for their wellbeing. To keep your pet safe and warm when the temperatures drop, adjust your pet’s care and daily routines. Follow these six winter pet safety tips to protect your pet against cold winter weather hazards.
How to Keep Spring Cleaning Safe for Pets
Tips and Tricks
While you may be itching to get started on your spring cleaning, as a pet owner, you should keep in mind some important guidelines. Follow these tips to ensure you accomplish your spring cleaning while keeping your pet’s safety in mind.
What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Heartworm Disease
The Exam Room
Imagine—your unsuspecting pet is bitten by a pesky mosquito, and becomes infected with microscopic worms that parasitize their heart and lungs. The larval worms grow to foot-long adults, and eventually cause deadly heart failure.
Anesthesia in Pets
The Exam Room
Anesthesia allows veterinarians to perform important diagnostic and surgical procedures on pets, whether to save their life or provide a healthy future, but pet owners are often concerned about their pet undergoing anesthesia. Fortunately, veterinary anesthesia rivals human anesthesia in the use of monitoring technology and safety measures.
Preparing Your Pet For Boarding
Pet Lifestyle
Leaving your pet behind when you travel is never easy, but preparing for their boarding experience can mean the difference between a comfortable staycation and a stressful split. You will need to plan ahead to ensure your pet’s home away from home is fully prepared to handle all their needs, and to ensure your pet is healthy and ready for the experience.
Does My Pet Need an Annual Exam?
The Exam Room
When your phone dings with your pet’s annual exam reminder, you may erase the notification, thinking, “My pet is perfectly healthy and doesn’t need to see the vet.” Keeping your pet purr-fectly healthy is exactly the reason you should instead click the link to make your pet’s next wellness appointment.
What is Pet Boarding? Pet Boarding FAQs
Pet Lifestyle
Pets are family, and you may feel sad if you have to leave them when traveling for work or vacation. You likely want your pet to join you wherever you go, however, a time will inevitably come when the best choice for you and your pet is for them to stay behind. For traveling pet owners, boarding their four-legged friend is a popular option.
Comprehensive Guide to a Pet’s Passing
Pet Lifestyle
Over the years, a pet becomes an indispensable part of your family, your life, and your heart. They are a continuous source of warmth, positivity, and unconditional love, and losing them can feel like losing part of yourself. Nothing can prepare you for losing a loved one, and that includes your pet. While you know that death is a natural part of the life cycle, a pet’s passing—whether planned or unexpected—will impact you in profound ways.
Comprehensive Guide to Caring For Exotic Pets
The Exam Room
Exotic pets are captivating for many reasons—their unusual characteristics, striking beauty, and unique behaviors bring their owners closer to the natural world. But, while caring for an exotic pet can be a deeply rewarding experience, you may also feel uniquely challenged. To meet and manage these pets’ needs, you must continually learn about their species, and dedicate yourself to their health.
How to Care for a Diabetic Pet
The Exam Room
You may be surprised to learn that pets can develop diabetes mellitus, and that the disease is remarkably similar to human diabetes. Early diagnosis, consistent treatment, and proper monitoring are critical to help diabetic pets live long, healthy lives. Understanding diabetes can help you recognize signs in your pet should they develop the disease, and how to properly care for them.